Custom Tractor Trailers All Manufacturers
Showing all 166 results
snt custom 0166 Kenworth W-900L pulling a 53′ Wilson Transcraft Stepdeck w/PVC Pipe Load(SOLD)
$185.00 -
snt custom 0138 Kenworth T-800 pulling a Wilson Transcraft Stepdeck w/self loading arm
$99.00 -
snt custom 0136 Kenworth K-100 Flattop pulling a Wilson S/A Cattlepot(SOLD)
$145.00 -
snt custom 0129 Peterbilt 379 w/36″ FT sleeper pulling a Wilson Pacesetter Grain Trailer(SOLD)
$125.00 -
snt custom 0098 Peterbilt 379 pulling a Fontaine 53′ Magnitude Lowboy with IH Tractor Load(SOLD)
$165.00 -
snt custom 0095 Peterbilt 379 70″ Stand-up pulling a 53′ Wilson Silverstar S/A Cattlepot(SOLD)
$145.00 -
snt custom 0093 Kenworth T-800 Day Cab pulling a matching Transcraft Step Deck Trailer w/load(SOLD)
$140.00 -
snt custom 0044 Kenworth W-900 Day Cab pulling a 3-axle Pneumatic Tanker Trailer(SOLD)
$165.00 -
snt custom 0030 Kenworth T-880 w/52″ raised roof sleeper pulling a Stepdeck w/Tractor Load(SOLD)
$120.00 -
snt custom 0018 Peterbilt 359 63″ pulling a Wilson Silverstar 3-axle Cattlepot(SOLD)
$155.00 -
snt 0029 IH Transtar II Tractor pulling a vintage Rogers Lowboy Trailer w/IH Tractor Load
$130.00 -
snt 0032 IH Peterbilt 579 Tractor pulling a Renegade Double drop Trailer w/IH Tractor Load
$110.00 -
snt 0068 Kenworth W-900A pulling a 53′ Flatbed w/simulated load
$125.00 -
snt 0084 Volvo VNL w/53′ Wabash Dryvan Trailer
$105.00 -
snt 0085 Peterbilt 389 w/36″ flattop sleeper pulling a 3-axle Pneumatic Tanker
$225.00 -
snt 0086 Custom Mack R-model Daycab pulling a Wilson Pacesetter Grain Trailer
$160.00 -
snt 0087 Custom Ford LTL 9000 w/Rogers Lowboy and John Deere Backhoe load
$135.00 -
snt 0088 Custom NEO Mack B-61-ST Tractor with DCP Wilson Commander Grain Trailer
$135.00 -
snt 0089 Custom Peterbilt 351 Day Cab pulling a 40′ S/A Flatbed w/round Hay Bale Load
$175.00 -
snt 0103 IH Peterbilt 379 Tractor pulling a Fontaine Magnitude Trailer w/Cat Load
$160.00 -
snt 0111 Peterbilt 389 w/63″ Flat Top Sleeper and 3 Drive axles pulling a 7-axle 53′ Roadbrute Flatbed
$175.00 -
snt 0112 Custom Vintage Peterbilt 351 60″ flattop sleeper pulling a 4-bunk tandem log trailer
$165.00 -
snt 0124 Custom Peterbilt w/Lowboy and Versatile 500 4WD Tractor Load
$85.00 -
snt 0125 custom Peterbilt 351 Conventional pulling a 35′ Wilson Grain Trailer
$115.00 -
snt 0126 Custom Mack R-model Tractor pullling a 48′ Flatbed w/simulated canvas covered load
$110.00 -
snt 0127 Peterbilt 379 w/Road Brute S/A Flatbed loaded w/machinery parts
$150.00 -
snt 0132 International Lonestar pulling a 43′ Wilson High Side Grain Trailer
$115.00 -
snt 0144 Peterbilt 389 Tri-Axle Tractor pulling a Linear Expanding Transcraft Flatbed w/Load
$275.00 -
snt 0162 Peterbilt 379 w/63″ sleeper pulling a 53′ Wilson Silver Star Cattlepot
$210.00 -
snt custom 0002 Peterbilt 385 pulling a Flexhaul tri-axle End Dump Trailer
$145.00 -
snt custom 0003 White-Freightliner COE pulling a 35′ Wilson Hopper Bottom
$125.00 -
snt custom 0004 Ford F-350 Dually w/custom flatbed
$35.00 -
snt custom 0005 Kenworth T-800 tandem-axle Dump Truck
$95.00 -
snt custom 0006 Kenworth T-880 w/52″ Sleeper pulling a Transcraft Stepdeck w/Load
$105.00 -
snt custom 0007 Mack R-model Tractor pulling a Wilson Pacesetter Grain Trailer
$115.00 -
snt custom 0008 Mack R Model with Transcraft Stepdeck Trailer hauling a Highway Barrier Load
$125.00 -
snt custom 0009 Kenworth T-680 pulling a Heil Pneumatic Tank Trailer
$110.00 -
snt custom 0010 IH Navistar Workstar Flatbed w/2- IH Farmall Tractor Load
$45.00 -
snt custom 0011 Mack CH-600 pulling a Flexhaul Lowboy w/John Deere Load
$135.00 -
snt custom 0012 John Deere Peterbilt 579 pulling a Renegade Double Drop with Load
$99.00 -
snt custom 00120 Ford Louisville 9000 daycab pulling Transcraft stepdeck PVC pipe load
$135.00 -
snt custom 0013 Mack R Model pulling Stepdeck w/loading arm and coil load
$140.00 -
snt custom 0014 Kenworth K-100 COE Flattop pulling a 53′ Dry Van Trailer
$140.00 -
snt custom 0015 Kenworth K-100 COE pulling a 50′ Wilson Belt Grain Trailer
$155.00 -
snt custom 0016 Mack B-61 Day Cab pulling a Rogers Lowboy w/tractor load
$150.00 -
snt custom 0019 Peterbilt 379 w/36″ sleeper pulling a Flexhaul 3-axle Lowboy w/a Komatsu Track Hoe Load
$180.00 -
snt custom 0020 Mack R Model pulling a Wilson Grain Trailer
$145.00 -
snt custom 0021 White-Freightliner Cabover pulling a Wilson chrome 35′ Grain Trailer
$125.00 -
snt custom 0022 International Harvester Vintage Emeryville COE pulling a 42′ Flatbed w/hay load
$195.00 -
snt custom 0023 Ford LTL daycab pulling a vintage 40′ dry van trailer
$90.00 -
snt custom 0024 Kenworth K-100 Cab Over pulling a 53′ Dry Van Trailer
$95.00 -
snt custom 0025 Mack R Model w/sleeper pulling a custom 42′ flatbed w/corn stalk round bale load
$150.00 -
snt custom 0026 Peterbilt 389 w/70″ sleeper pulling a Wilson Commander Grain Trailer
$135.00 -
snt custom 0027 custom Navistar-International 4WD Field Dry Fertilizer Spreader
$85.00 -
snt custom 0028 Mack R Model with a Wilson Pacesetter Hopper-Bottom Grain Trailer
$125.00 -
snt custom 0031 Western Star 5700XE pulling a Wabash DryVan w/skirts
$99.00 -
snt custom 0033 Ford Louisville 9000 daycab pulling a 48′ flatbed w/sack load
$125.00 -
snt custom 0034 Peterbilt 379 63″ pulling a 53′ Hog Trailer
$125.00 -
snt custom 0035 Peterbilt 385 daycab pulling a Standi 34′ End Dump Trailer
$135.00 -
snt custom 0036 Western Star XE pulling a High Sided Wilson Grain Trailer
$90.00 -
snt custom 0037 Pete 385 Dually w/custom flatbed & Straw Load
$45.00 -
snt custom 0038 Kenworth T-2000 pulling a 53′ Dry Van Trailer
$95.00 -
snt custom 0039 Peterbilt 351 36″ sleeper pulling a Flexhaul 2-axle Lowboy w/Case IH Tractor Load
$135.00 -
snt custom 0040 Kenworth W-900A pulling a Custom Field Nursing Trailer
$275.00 -
snt custom 0041 Mack Granite Daycab pulling a Wilson Hopper Bottom Grain Trailer
$125.00 -
snt custom 0042 Peterbilt 379 daycab pulling a Fontaine 3-axle Lowboy w/IH Load
$155.00 -
snt custom 0043 Peterbilt 379 Tractor pulling a Renegade Trailer w/Tractor Load
$165.00 -
snt custom 0045 Kenworth W-900A Daycab pulling a custom Standi stepdeck w/JD Tractor Load
$150.00 -
snt custom 0046 Peterbilt 379 63″ RR Sleeper pulling a Fontaine tri-axle Lowboy w/Massey Ferguson Load
$150.00 -
snt custom 0048 Koppes Kenworth K-100 COE pulling a 53′ Wilson Silverstar Cattlepot
$145.00 -
snt custom 0049 Ag Dynasty Peterbilt 389 63″ pulling a matching Lode King 3-axle Grain Trailer
$175.00 -
snt custom 0050 Navistar IH Lonestar pulling a Heil fuel tanker
$110.00 -
snt custom 0051 Taupe/Maroon Peterbilt 379 63″ pulling a Wilson Silverstar 53′ 3-axle Cattlepot
$145.00 -
snt custom 0052 Peterbilt 385 w/custom Dump Body Quecreek Coal Mine 0728/02
$95.00 -
snt custom 0053 Freightliner Field Boom Sprayer
$85.00 -
snt custom 0054 Kenworth T-800 daycab pulling a Wilson Pacesetter Grain Trailer
$110.00 -
snt custom 0055 1st Gear/DCP Louisville Ford pulling a Flexhaul Lowboy w/Mack Dumptruck Load
$125.00 -
snt custom 0056 Kenworth T-800 pulling a closed tandem Flatbed w/plastic tarp load
$95.00 -
snt custom 0057 IH Navistar Lonestar Tractor pulling a Wilson Silverstar Spread-Axle Cattlepot
$135.00 -
snt custom 0058 Kenworth W-900L pulling a 53′ Dry Van Trailer
$110.00 -
snt custom 0059 International Harvester Transtar II pulling TSR Vintage 40′ Cattlepot
$110.00 -
snt custom 0061 Vintage Ertl IH Emeryville C/O pulling a Flexhaul Lowboy w/JD Combine Load
$149.00 -
snt custom 0062 Kenworth T-880 w/52″ Sleeper pulling a Renegade 2-axle lowboy w/IH Tractor Load
$125.00 -
snt custom 0064 Kenworth T-880 w/Renegade Lowboy and Massey Ferguson 4WD Tractor Load
$135.00 -
snt custom 0065 Kenworth K-100 Cabover pulling a Merritt 48′ Cattlepot
$165.00 -
snt custom 0066 IH Emeryville cabover pulling a Rogers vintage Lowboy w/Deere Track Hoe Load
$175.00 -
snt custom 0070 Western Star 5700 ES pulling a Transcraft S/A Stepdeck w/load arm and load
$125.00 -
snt custom 0071 Kenworth W-900L daycab pulling a 3-axle Heil Pneumatic Tanker
$195.00 -
snt custom 0072 1st Gear/DCP Mack Superliner pulling a matching Transcraft Stepdeck w/hyd. arm loader & load
$145.00 -
snt custom 0073 IH Transtar II pulling a Wilson 35′ tandem-axle Grain Trailer
$115.00 -
snt custom 0074 Kenworth W-900A pulling a Renegade Double Drop Trailer w/John Deere Tractor Load
$165.00 -
snt custom 0075 Mack R-Model w/sleeper pulling a Wilson Pacesetter Grain Trailer
$115.00 -
snt custom 0076 Kenworth T-800 daycab pulling Fontaine 3-axle Lowboy w/a Ford Versatile Farm Tractor Load
$110.00 -
snt custom 0077 Western Star w/high roof sleeper pulling a 53′ Utility 3000R Reefer Trailer
$89.00 -
snt custom 0078 Menard’s Peterbilt 349 Racing Hauler
$35.00 -
snt custom 0079 Peterbilt 389 60″ flattop sleeper pulling a S-A Stepdeck w/load
$145.00 -
snt custom 0080 Mack R Model pulling a Wilson Grain Trailer
$115.00 -
snt custom 0081 White-Freightliner Cabover Tractor pulling a Vintage 40′ Wilson Cattlepot
$140.00 -
snt custom 0082 White-Freightliner Cabover pulling a vintage 40′ Chrome Reefer Van
$125.00 -
snt custom 0083 Navistar-International Lonestar pulling a 53′ Utility Reefer
$135.00 -
snt custom 0090 IH Navistar 9100 daycab pulling a Fontaine 3-axle Lowboy w/flip hauling a vintage CAT 12G Grader
$160.00 -
snt custom 0091 custom Navistar-International Straight Truck w/Auger
$160.00 -
snt custom 0092 Koppes KW W-900A pulling a 45′ Wilson Cattlepot
$140.00 -
snt custom 0094 Kenworth T-880 pulling a matching Transcraft Stepdeck w/brick load
$110.00 -
snt custom 0096 Kenworth K-100 Vintage Cabs
$180.00 -
snt custom 0097 Peterbilt 379 w/stand-up 70″ sleeper pulling a matching Stepdeck w/farm tractor load
$149.00 -
snt custom 0099 Kenworth K-100 flattop long frame pulling a 53′ chrome Utility Reefer
$149.00 -
snt custom 0100 Resin Cab Peterbilt DayCab pulling a S/C Flatbed w/covered load
$125.00 -
snt custom 0101 Navistar International Straight Truck w/flatbed and scissor lift
$90.00 -
snt custom 0102 Kenworth W-900L pulling a 53′ Utility Dry Van Trailer
$110.00 -
snt custom 0104 Kenworth K-100 COE pulling a custom 45′ Stepdeck w/cornstalk bale load
$155.00 -
snt custom 0105 Peterbilt 379 pulling a 53′ stepdeck w/John Deere tractor load
$135.00 -
snt custom 0106 Peterbilt 385 w/custom sleeper pulling a 48′ flatbed w/tarped steel coil load
$140.00 -
snt custom 0107 Peterbilt 385 Piggy Back Set of 3 straight trucks
$60.00 -
snt custom 0108 White-Freightliner Cabover pulling a vintage Wilson Cattlepot
$135.00 -
snt custom 0109 International Navistar Lonestar pulling a 53′ Utility Reefer Van Trailer
$225.00 -
snt custom 0110 IH Transtar II pulling a vintage Rogers Lowboy w/Load
$135.00 -
snt custom 0113 Case IH Peterbilt 379 w/3-axle Lowboy and Case IH 12-row Planter Load
$155.00 -
snt custom 0114 Mack B-61 Daycab w/Rogers Lowboy and JD Combine Load
$99.00 -
snt custom 0115 International Harvester 9100 pulling a Flexhaul Lowboy w/Cat Wheel Loader
$155.00 -
snt custom 0116 Ford Louisville 9000 with Stepdeck Trailer and Load
$85.00 -
snt custom 0117 Peterbilt 379 Day Cab pulling a 42′ Flatbed w/round bale hay load
$175.00 -
snt custom 0118 Western Star 5700 EX w/Wilson 53′ S/A Silver Star Cattlepot
$80.00 -
snt custom 0119 Ford Louisville 9000 with 53′ S-A Stepdeck Trailer and Load
$115.00 -
snt custom 0121 custom Western Star Day Cab pulling a Walinga Feed Trailer
$105.00 -
snt custom 0122 Peterbilt 379 Condo pulling a Wilson Silverstar Spread Axle Cattlepot
$115.00 -
snt custom 0123 Western Star 5700 Stand-up w/Wilson 53′ S/A Silver Star Cattlepot
$95.00 -
snt custom 0128 Kenworth W-900 daycab pulling a 35′ matching Wilson Grain Trailer
$135.00 -
snt custom 0131 Western Star 5700 Day Cab pulling a matching Flexhaul Lowboy w/Ag Load
$115.00 -
snt custom 0133 IH Transtar II Cab Over pulling a matching Mississippi Anhydrous Tanker
$165.00 -
snt custom 0134 Peterbilt 379 day cab pulling a 4-axle Roadbrute Flatbed w/custom load
$165.00 -
snt custom 0135 Peterbilt 379 pulling a 43′ Wilson Grain Trailer
$169.00 -
snt custom 0137 Peterbilt 379 w/63″ High Sleeper pulling a 53′ Utility Reefer trailer w/skirts
$115.00 -
snt custom 0139 KW T-800 daycab pulling a 48′ spread-axle flatbed w/lumber load
$99.00 -
snt custom 0140 Custom Pete 351 pulling a matching Wilson Grain Trailer
$120.00 -
snt custom 0141 Mack R-Model Tractor pulling a vintage 40′ Reefer Trailer
$99.00 -
snt custom 0142 Peterbilt 379 w/63″ flat top pulling a 53′ Covered Wagon Flatbed Trailer
$170.00 -
snt custom 0143 Kenworth T-800 daycab pulling a Wilson Pacesetter Grain Trailer
$110.00 -
snt custom 0145 Ford LN 9000 Daycab pulling a Talbert Lowboy w/Case 4WD Load
$120.00 -
snt custom 0146 Peterbilt 389 w/63″ flattop sleeper pulling a Tandem Axle Wilson 53′ Cattlepot
$190.00 -
snt custom 0147 KW T-680 w/38″ sleeper pulling a Brenner Chemical Tanker
$85.00 -
snt custom 0148 Mack R-Model Daycab pulling a Utility 48′ Flatbed w/sack load
$110.00 -
snt custom 0149 White Freightliner COE pulling a 40′ Reefer Trailer
$75.00 -
snt custom 0150 Peterbilt 385 daycab pulling a Flexhaul 32′ End Dump Trailer
$155.00 -
snt custom 0151 1st in Class Peterbilt 389 w/sleeper pulling a Chrome sided Wilson Grain Trailer
$175.00 -
snt custom 0152 Mack R-model Tractor pulling a Wilson Pacesetter Grain Trailer
$125.00 -
snt custom 0153 White-Freightliner Cabover pulling a TSR Vintage 40′ Cattlepot
$140.00 -
snt custom 0154 Squeeler Farms IH 9100 D/C with matching Grain Trailer
$85.00 -
snt custom 0155 TSC Pete 389 w/63″ sleeper pulling a Heil Pneumatic Tank Trailer
$225.00 -
snt custom 0156 Peterbilt 385 daycab pulling (2) Wilson 35′ grain trailers w/single axle dolly
$175.00 -
snt custom 0160 Peterbilt 379 pulling a 3-axle Roadbrute Flatbed w/custom load
$155.00 -
snt custom 0161 Custom Kenworth T-800 D/C w/matching Transcraft S/A Stepdeck pipe load
$135.00 -
snt custom 0163 1/64th scale Peterbilt 377 pulling a Penjoy 45′ Flatbed w/steel load
$125.00 -
snt custom 0164 IH Transtar II pulling a Farm Field Nurse Trailer
$190.00 -
snt custom 0165 Custom White Freightliner C/O w/35′ Chrome Wilson Grain Trailer
$135.00 -
snt custom 069 Kenworth T-800 daycab pulling a 53′ Dry Van w/American Farmer Graphics
$85.00 -
snt custom 130 Western Star Midroof pulling a Wabash 53′ Dryvan
$95.00 -
snt0017 IH Transtar II COE pulling a Wilson 35′ Grain Trailer
$125.00 -
snt0047 Peterbilt 352 double-bunk COE Tractor Pulling a Renegade double drop Trailer w/silage wagon load
$225.00 -
snt0060 Kenworth T-800 daycab pulling a 53′ dryvan trailer w/U. S. Army graphics
$90.00 -
snt0063 Mack R Model Daycab w/a chrome 40′ reefer trailer
$125.00 -
snt0067 Vintage Kenworth K-100 COE pulling a 45′ Penjoy Spread-Axle Flatbed w/trailer load
$85.00 -
snt0157 Mack Granite Daycab w/Wilson Grain Trailer w/custom 9′ Spread Axles
$100.00 -
snt0158 Mack Daycab w/matching Hopper Grain Trailer
$95.00 -
snt0159 Custom Resin Cabover Kenworth K-100 pulling a TSR 40′ Cattlepot
$175.00 -
snt custom 0001 Blue/White Pete 379 w/4-Compartment Pneumatic Vac Tanker